Newfoundland.ws is a collection of Newfoundland and Labrador related Websites, Stories, Newfoundland Recipes, History, Photos and more. If you are a regular visitor to our site, first of all Thank you and we are currently giving the site a new look. Hope you enjoy the changes.
Come taste the history and heritage of Newfoundland and Labrador. There’s a centuries-old tradition of ingenuity, imagination and inspiration in every bite. A blending Irish, Scottish, Aboriginal, English and French ancestry.
With the freshest ingredients from our oceans, lakes, rivers, game, plants and gardens. Lobster. Cod. Caribou. Salmon. Moose. Served up in recipes handed down generation to generation.
Taste recipes you’ve never heard of. With names you’ll never forget. Colcannon, Doughboys, Peas Soup, Salt Fish and Brewis, Toutons, and Cod Tongues to name a few. Come make new friends over a delicious Jigg’s Dinner, long the staple of a traditional Newfoundland ‘scoff’. There’s sure to be a song and a dance and a ‘yarn’ to follow. For desert try Figgy Duff, a delicious 16th-century steamed pudding that’s still very much a favorite today.
For a taste of the new Newfoundland and Labrador cuisine, try Salmon Ravioli, Braised Rabbit Pie, Caribou Bourguignon, and Bakeapple Cheesecake.
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